You’re right, now there are all those websites, blogs, online magazines out there…but, what’s more fascinating than a paper magazine?
I really have a lot of interior&design magazines at home (remember I already told this here: design bloggers, which are your favourite sources for design scouting?), some of them are so beautiful that it’s almost a shame to keep them piled in the shelves.
This inspired me to collect five cool magazines display ideas where magazines are used as a decorative element.
What’s your favourite solution? Other ideas?
E’ vero, ormai ci sono siti internet, blog, magazines online di tutti i generi…ma volete mettere il fascino delle riviste cartacee?
Io ne ho davvero tante (ve ne parlavo anche qui: design bloggers, which are your favourite sources for design scouting?), alcune talmente belle che è quasi un peccato tenerle ammassate tra gli scaffali.
Quindi oggi ho raccolto per voi dalla rete cinque splendide idee per sistemare le riviste in casa come veri e propri elementi decorativi.
Qual è la vostra soluzione preferita? Altri suggerimenti?
magazines display ideas
idea #1 | the magazines rack
idea #2 | hanged with a thread
idea #3 | together with a belt
idea #4 | hanged in a group
idea #5 | the magazine ledges
||| if you love this greige colour, have a look at this post !
||| art ledges are the new gallery wall