Let’s enjoy some amazing inspirations today from the world.
7 dream houses in the world selected from very different locations, from the past winners of the prestigious A’Design Award & Competition.
More than a simple award, A’Design Award is and indicator of the quality of a design which is recognized on global scale and involves professionals in the design fields from all over the world. Enties are opened for partecipants from every side of the world and ranges to really every field of design: indeed, A’Design Award includes over 100 categories which are judged by an international panel of media, professionals, scholars.
ITALIANBARK is very proud of having partnered with A’Design Award as media partner and today I’m browsing the rich category of Architecture, Building and Structure Design to share some inspiring housing project from very different sides of the world.
Let’s go, and dream!
Oggi pensiamo in grande, con ispirazioni da tutto il mondo.
7 case da sogno da Paesi molto diversi, selezionate tra i vincitori delle passate edizioni di A’ Design Award.
Più che un premio, A’Design Award è un riconoscimento a livello globale del prestigio di un progetto di design aperto a partecipanti da tutto il mondo. Non solo: A’Design Award coinvolge davvero tutti gli aspetti del design, grazie ad oltre cento categorie che includono le tipologie più disparate di design. A completare il tutto, un’ampia giuria di esperti e professionisti dai settori media, progettazione ed istruzione.
ITALIANBARK è con orgoglio media partner di A’Design Award ed oggi vi propongo una selezione molto personale dalla categoria più ricca dell’Award, quella dell’Architecture, Building and Structure Design , e forse anche la più affascinante per chi come me è un architetto. In pratica saltiamo da un capo all’altro del mondo attraverso sette case da sogno.
dream house #1 | Singapore
The Greja House Single Family Residential House by Park + Associates Pte Ltd
dream house #2 | Italy
Chalet La Pedevilla Residence & Chalet by Pedevilla Architects
dream house #3 | Taiwan
A’tolan House Residence by Create + Think Design Studio
dream house #4 | Japan
I3-house [ Modeling on the hill ] Residential House by Masahiko Sato
dream house #5 | United Kingdom
Chapel on the Hill Holiday cottage by Evolution Design
dream house #6 | Kuwait
S-Cube Chalet Beach House by AGi architects
dream house #7 | Brazil
Limantos Residence by Fernanda Marques
These are just a few I’ve selected from the past winners list of great design you can find here. Can wait to see which will be the A’Design Award 2017 winners and to feature some of them on the blog!
Results will be Announced on April 15, 2017