Let’s add another touch of blue today on the blog? Yesterday we talked here about the blue interior trend, with a selection of hues I love (Denim Drift, Pantone Riverside and darker blue). Today let’s go enjoy a dose of design news in a blue palette: not on a random research, but with a targeted selection from A’Design Award winners.
A’Design Award is an international design award, open to all designers and ranging to a really wide series of design categories.
I already spoken about A’Design Award here, remember?
For us the design bloggers, A’Design Award is also a very good source to find new and unusual design products. Browsing through the official website pages, I discovered innovative lamps, original sofas and chairs, new working desks, and more. I’m sure that we are going to see again some of these products, what do you think?
—– jump below for A’Design Award call for entries and more info!
Aggiungiamo un altro po’ di blu oggi nel blog, vi va? Ieri parlavamo qui dei blu più di tendenza, tra Denim Drift, Pantone Riverside e i blu più scuri. Oggi vi propongo invece una raffica di novità di design, sempre restando in tema blu: non lo faccio con una ricerca random, ma con una selezione mirata tra i vincitori dell’ A’Design Award.
A’Design Award è un premio internazionale di design, aperto a tutti i designers e rivolto a moltissime categorie del settore design.
Per noi design blogger, A’Design Award è anche una fonte molto interessante per scovare novità e prodotti inediti. Curiosando tra le pagine del sito, ho trovato lampade innovative, sedute originali, scrivanie da lavoro, e molto altro. Sono sicura che rivedremo presto alcuni di questi prodotti, voi che ne dite?
1 | Life Begins With Light, Jolly Yan Yee Kee | adesignaward
2 | Dark Side, Igor Lobanov | adesignaward
3 | Muse, HanYi Huang | adesignaward
Lilla Table, Jessica Herrera| adesignaward
PlayWood Connector, Stefano Guerrieri | adesignaward
Float Collaborative Furniture, Perch for Thomas Montgomery Ltd | adesignaward
Miami Beach Residence, Luca Andrisani | adesignaward
Marathon Boy, Sophia Enjoy Thinking | adesignaward
Looking for more inspiration and news?
Ferm Living Ss2016
Toward Sofa, Anne Boysen for Erik Jørgensen
Caruso by Miniforms
Republic of Fritz Hansen
These are just a few I’ve selected from the past winners list of great design you can find here. Can wait to see which will be the A’Design Award 2017 winners and to feature some of them on the blog!
Results will be Announced on April 15, 2017