I’m back from the Milan Design Week 2022 with lots of images, videos and news to share with you. We start today with new color trends I spotted in Milano.
Salone del Mobile 2022 was all about colors. We spotted many different new color trends, and I’m happy to say that definitely we are heading towards more colourful homes. Actually, after the pandemic and during this hard historical period, we all need some more colour in our homes.
|| WAnt to know everything about the 2023 Colors? Discover my new Trendbook here, all about 2023 Color Trends
Color Trends from Milan Design Week
#01 | Baby Blue
Let’s start today with a color that hs been in our radar for a while and that is still super on trend: Baby Blue.
“Baby blue” is a pale tint of light blue, part of the pastel colors.
Pastel colors, in their turn, are a part of a family of pale colors with high luminance and low saturation (i.e. intensity of color). To obtain a pastel color, add white to a pure color – while adding gray or black to a pastel color, the result will be a color under the “pale” category.
To understand why the Baby Blue can be such a popular color just combine the already good feelings that blue conveys to the ones delivered by pastel colors: joy, calmness, serenity, childness.
Be inspired by Baby Blue color trend in this link and enjoy the new photo gallery from Salone del Mobile & Fuorisalone 2022.
Color Trends 2023 from Milan Design Week
#01 | Baby Blue

Top Trends 2023 Milan Design Week 2022:
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