Oct 16, 2018

DESIGN FINDS | 10 items for your home office

A’ Design Award is an international design award promoting independent design from all Countries. Beside being a great way for designers to showcase their works, it is also a beautiful source of inspiring new projects for us.

Today I’m sharing with you another round up from A’Design Award winners, this time by sharing some beautiful creations for the office.

[ italian ] A’ Design Award è un concorso internazionale indipendente di design. Oltre ad essere una importante vetrina per i progettisti e i creativi, è anche una vasta fonte per cercare novità e prodotti interessanti di design.

Oggi ti propongo una nuova selezione di progetti vincitori, stavolta a tema design per l’ufficio e cancelleria. 


Screen in room by Picka

A’ Design Award | Who can apply

A’Design Award is open to all designers of all nationalities. It is not just about product and furniture design, but A ‘Design Award includes 100 design categories. In fact, the award is open to all types of design, from web to graphics, from interior design to furniture, to less traditional industies.

You can find the complete list of categories at this link and today I’m showing you a round up of winning projects from the Art Materials, Stationery Supplies and Gift Items Design Award together with a few more items for the workspaces. Enjoy!


[ italian ] A’Design Award è aperto a tutti i designer di ogni nazionalità. Non si tratta solo di design di prodotto e arredo, ma A’ Design Award comprende 100 categorie di design. Infatti, il premio è aperto a tutti i tipi di design, dal web alla grafica, dal design d’interni al prodotto, fino a settori meno tradizionali.

Puoi consultare la lista completa delle categorie a questo link, mentre oggi ti propongo una rassegna di progetti vincitori dalla categoria Art Materials, Stationery Supplies and Gift Items Design Award insieme a qualche altra proposta per gli spazi ufficio. Buona lettura!

A’ Design Award | 10 top designs for the office


Idea: Why a clip can’t be a precious thing?

Design: Bindship Binder clip by Ju Yun Chung



Idea: The ruler for kids

Design: Rounded Ruler by Huang Kaiqi and Lv Jiachun




Idea: the block for the desk

Design: Four Treasures of the Study Product Design by Alfie Shao




Idea: The folding paper

Design: In Rows Tray Set by Ray Teng Pai




Idea: Combining a physical message board and a video message

Concept: Moovin Board Message Service by Uxent Inc.



Idea: How to use shortened pencils till the end?

Design: Gyro Pencil by Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College


Idea: The dynamic chair

Design: Hip Chair Office chair by Sunon Design Team and Alegredesign


Idea: The movable shelf

Design: Wing Shelving System by Estudio Parrado


Idea: The vintage clock

Design: Osvaldo Table clock by MrSmith Studio 


Idea: The lamp to be placed everywhere

Design: Triz Lamp by Renata Gutierrez and James Rowland

Cover: School creative desk by Mallmo

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