Feb 9, 2022

10 Furniture Trends to last in the next year from the A’Design Award 2021-2022

In this article we will take a closer look at the latest furniture trends that will last in the next year.


I know, we are already at the beginning of 2022, but it’s not too early to do a round up with some thoughts about the furniture trends that are going to last in 2023.

That are also the furniture trends which are worth investing in – even if, as I always say, trends should be taken only as inspiration as what is really important when decorating home is to choose according to your own taste.

As I often do, besides researching in websites and social media, I also have a look at the design awards of the years and the winning projects, to have a more comprehensive idea of the latest news in design. Unfortunately the first trade fairs of the years have been postponed, so my research by now has to be done online, waiting for better times and to see things in person 🙂

In this post, I am listing 10 furniture trends that I think will last over this year, and giving you some samples from the winning designs of the A’Design Award.

The Deadline for submission for the A’Design Award is February 28. Results will be announced to the public on May 1st. You can apply to the A’Design Award at this link.

Jump below to know more about the Award!

 10 Furniture’s winners of the A’ Design Award 2021-2022

Furniture Trends


#1 Curvy Furniture


Already listed in this post, the curvy furniture is the big trend for design this year but probably will last in 2023 as well. Spaces need to be more flexible, open, creative, unique – new shapes are appearing and replacing the straight lines that has been on trend for so long


Livre Armchair by Federica Biasi

#2 Textured


After the pandemic, we are all rediscovering the value of many things – one of those things was for sure the value of touching things. Tactility has totally been rediscovered as a way to add value, coziness, originality into interiors, and translated into many different new materials and solution sin furniture design


Fluid Interior Cabinet by Elena Kornilova



#3 Floating


When you say “floating furniture” it means moving all your furnishings unto the centre of a room, leave a foot or so of space between them and the walls. You do so in order to make a more flexible space, to be able to decorate walls in the ways you prefer, to move furniture whenever you want – to make a more fluid layout, definitely different from the traditional layout based on furniture leaned on the walls. Hence – the shape and design if furniture is definitely changing!


Shell Sofa by Alexey Danilin


#4 Swivel


As a consequence from point 3, furniture has no longer one favorite side to be used- seen, but ideally could be used on 360 degrees. Hence,  swivel furniture and other kind of movable/routable furniture will be explored more and more by designers in the next years

Walky Chair by Armando Mora Medina

#5 Japandi


Yes I know this is not a new trend ( can you imagine I wrote about japan back in 2017? ), but if I would invest now in one style, I would say this. Because I believe blending Eastern and Western design is something that will last very long, probably also with many new influences from other Countries ( see China and Korea, for example ).

Japan Chair by Jan Goderis



#6 Upcycled


Re-cycling and up-cycling, repairing and reusing, are definitely the words of this and the next years. The furniture design to be more circular, starting from new material technologies, but also to a new approach to the design process itself.

|| Interested in the topic? Read more here: What is circular design?

Cork Block Sofa by Miguel Arruda

#7 Personalization


Think about the new Avant Basic style trend, for example. It’s all about decorating home in the most personal way, making it fun, unique, yours – definitely, the youngest generations feel more than us the need of creating personal and unique spaces to live. Hereby, furniture design should adapt to these needs – by becoming unique.


Grille Bookcase by Wei Huang

#8 Comfort & Wellness


New technologies and ways to make furniture always more comfortable, because comfort means wellness and we all know how important personal wellness is – talking both about mental and physical wellness. Wellness means also meeting the different needs of a family – a simple example, this duvet can be settled according to the different temperature preferences of the couple!


Couple Quilt Dual Temperature Control by Yao Lu



#9 Design for Pets


According to the Pinterest trend predictions of 2022 that we say in this post, another rising trend in furniture design is pet design! Pretty fun and still not so explored kind of furniture design, right?


Watch Tower Cat Climbing Tree by Fei Chen, Lei Yang and Qi Wu


#10 Playful & Unique


So definitely, let’s prepare for years of more fun, unique and unseen kind-of furniture design!



Bubble Chair by Grigorii Gorkovenko



About the A’Design Award


A’ Design Award is an international design award promoting independent design from all the world.

A’Design Award,  in fact, is open to all designers of all nationalities, including 100 design categories. The award is open to all types of design, from web to graphics, from interior design to furniture, to less common industries.

You can apply to the A’Design Award at this link.


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