Mar 27, 2015

Geometric interior trend …and triangles, hexagons and herringbone love

geometric interior trend 2015


Do you remember, we’ve already talked about geometric pattern in home decor in last post about Best 2015 Interior Trends, while talking about ethnic nordic decor.

It really seems that geometric interior trend is invading design and home decor. The real reason is that geometric theme is really versatile, a timeless and elegant decor that may be used in many different interior style.

Geometry can be found in Nordic shapes, but in our Italian tradition as well. I’ve noticed three predominant geometric patterns, let’s see today for Interior trends some inspirations!


Vi ricordate, parlavamo di pattern geometrici già nel post Best 2015 Interior Trends, qualche tempo fa, in particolare mi riferivo ai pattern in stile  ethnic nordic

Ma sembra proprio che le forme geometriche abbiano già invaso anche i nostri interni, non solo quelli Scandinavi. Infatti possiamo trovare pattern geometriche ricorrenti in vari stili decorativi, sarà che comunque che quello della geometria è un motivo decorativo estremamente versatile,  che ricorre nel corso dei secoli e rimanda a tradizioni decorative molto diverse tra loro.

Io ne ho individuati tre in particolare, e vi mostro un pò di idee oggi nel post del venerdì per Interior trends!


ethnic nordic


geometric interior trend - ethnic nordic

geometric interior trend - ethnioc nordic trend

geometric interior trend - ethnioc nordic trend

geometric interior trend - ethnioc nordic trend

geometric trend - ethnic nordic 3

geometric interior trend - scandinavian pattern

geometric interior trend - ferm living

1. 2-3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Scandinavian design launches a strong  interior trend that talks about geometric pattern, with lots of triangles and with colour blocking, but zig zag patterns as well with an ethnic twist.

Black and white colour combination makes this geometric statement even stronger, and its matches with lighter colours like mint, salmon, peach, or neutrals like all grteys and nude hues.


hexagon invasion


geometric trend - exagon - menu


geometric interior trend 2015  - hexagon invasion

geometric interior trend 2015  - hexagon invasion

geometric interior trend 2015  - hexagon invasion

hexagonal interior trend 2015

geometric interior trend 2015 -

geometric interior trend 2015  - hexagon invasion

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


In terms of shapes, it’s undoubtedly the year of the hexagon. Did you notice as well this invasion of hexagonal shapes in home decor? Here, I’m just not talking about Scandinavian trends, but hexagons are coming back in our Italian design as well.

Flooring in hexagonal patterns has to be included in that return to those traditional “cementine” floorings of the beginning of the 19th century:  in fact hexagonal tiles have been used first in Paris underground stations in Liberty style, to expand then in the style of the period, they may be found in many historical building in Italy as well.

And I love them!


herringbone trend alert


geometric interior trend 2015 - herringbone trend alert

geometric interior trend 2015 - herringbone alert

geometric interior trend 2015 - herringbone alert

geometric interior trend 2015 - herringbone alert

geometric interior trend 2015 - herringbone alert

Interior trends herringbone @italianbark

Interior trends herringbone @italianbark

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Another geometric pattern which refers to a strong decorating tradition: herringbone pattern.

First herringbone floorings may be found in the far Roman era, in that “opus spicatum” formed by tiles in a 45°pattern, then over the centuries in many and many flooring patterns.

The evolution of this year is that herringbone flooring is no longer just for flooring, but for walls as well.

Let’s see if this is going to last as a trend!


Have a nice weekend! Buon fine settimana!


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