Happy New Year!
I hope you are spending your winter break in a good way! I’m currently enjoying some time in a very warm place, in the coast of Rio de Janeiro. I can’t ask for anything better!! ( you can find something in my Instagram stories, including weird things about Brazil )
ITALIANBARK interior design blog ~ 2018 Projects and Resolutions
I know, in the last post I wrote I would have not posted till back home, but I just wanted to give you my most sincere wishes for this 2018 plus share some resolutions and blog plans. It is something I’m doing every year so why not this year? Also, these few times like this when I really blow off some steams, are actually the ones when I’m putting together most of new ideas and plans. I suppose this is something happening if you really love the job you are doing.
Besides of personal resolutions, there are resolutions about this virtual place. I’m really happy with the changes brought in 2017 to this blog, which grew to host other authors and with a new layout on a magazine style. Last year was the time when I realized ITALIANBARK is a brand, more than just a blog, and I would love this year to keep going in this direction, first.
|| Something more about turning resolutions into reality here
About Blog Consistency and About Saying No
I’ve always thinked about my blog as a virtual place of sharing and inspiration, more than just a place where to talk about myself and auto-promotion, and the changes I’m doing are all in this direction. Consistency is the word I’m chosing for this 2018: consistency with readers, with brands I’m working together, but with myself and I how I feel first. Learning to say no to things which are not consistent to me and my brand.
ITALIANBARK interiors and design topics, Free resources and E-book
After five years of blogging, I’m finally learning more about what readers love of ths space and about the readers profile. My efforts will also be in creating the editorial calendar in advance, to have more time to review contents, and also to organize work with contributors. The idea for this year is also to create more and more downloadable contents, focusing on interior and design trends and news. I have also a big project for this year I’m starting to plan now and that I’m sure you will love ❤️
In ITALIANBARK 2018 posts you will find trends and news on interiors and design, inspirational interiors, Scandinavian and Italian design and interiors, news on retail and hospitality design and on the city of Milan, plus travels on a design point of view.
ITALIANBARK contributors
I love the idea of giving space here to contributors. Really. And I do not want this to be just somebody writing an article for me because I’m busy, but all my efforts will be more and more in involving contributors in the blog. With their own column (that’s a column they suggested to me!), by sharing the editorial calendar, interesting events, anything that could be nice and useful for them. It’s much more interesting to work together in this way and really look forward to grow together in 2018!
ITALIANBARK Social Networks
My resolution for 2018 is, generally talking, to spend less time on the phone and on social networks. Just think about how much time all these stuff steal to our real lifetime: it is quite scaring. We’re all exausted and saturated by social networks, let’s admit. Even more if we work with them, we are exhausted by ever changing algorithms. My 2018 will be about less posting on socials, with more quality. Less scrolling, more engaging with people I really like.
If you like this blog, you can follow ITALIANBARK on social networks on:
– Facebook italianbark.com is an inspirational Page for interiors and design enthusiast. There I’m sharing posts from the blog and other inspirations
– Instagram @italianbark is a mixed profile with something about myself, my home, projects and travels, and something about the blog. Consistency is given by its aesthetic and the topics. On Instagram Stories, however, you will find my no filtered life and a virtual place where to smile, absolutely no schedule there 😀
– Twitter @italianbark will be sharing events and on time news
– Pinterest @italianbark is the visual gallery of the blog, to follow if you are looking for a fast way to be inspired
– Bloglovin @italianbark is for fellow bloggers, to keep updated first with new posts
My efforts in 2017 was in growing the mailing list, and it really grew a lot in the last months. Subscribers include brands, agencies, design professionals, interior designers, design bloggers, design enthusiast, from many different Countries. I love to write the newsletter and it’s never a repetition of the blog. My resolution for 2018, sending the newsletter twice a month.
The newsletter is focused on interior and design trends and news from design fairs and from the net, with contents in preview and freebies to download.
You can subscribe to ITALIANBARK newsletter here
Design Fairs & Travels
Another resolution for 2018 is about traveling and visiting design fairs and events, as I already did in 2017 and in the years before. This is the very first way to discover news and keep updated with the interiors and design, for new contents to post here. Thanks to press travels and to collaborations with companies, or also with design hotels, or just as a personal investment, this is something I can do quite often now. Next ones will be the IMM fair in Cologne and the Stockholm Furniture Fair
ITALIANBARK Collaborations
The resolution is to keep working with some good brands I met last year, plus starting some new collaborations with Italians or foreign brands. My rule here is quality over quantity, keeping an eye over balance between sponsored and no-sponsored contents on the blog (I hate having just sponsored contents) and always with transparency and consistency towards readers.
My Home Restyling
2017 brought me a brand new home, because doing an home makeover is really like enjoying a new home! I can’t tell you how happy I am now with this, even if yes the home is still the same small house, but now it reflects how I am. It’s really important to live in a place which makes feel you confortable and will keep working on this by restyling the home office and bedroom too in 2018, after my living room and bathroom restyling
Besides this blog the resolution is to keep working on interiors and graphics with my own design studio. First, by updating the website and portfolio. Second, by ending some ongoing projects (including a new branding for a company, an interior design on online basis, a showroom redesign). In 2017 I realized also my limits and that I can’t work on too many projects at a time: so here as well, prioritizing, learning to say no and quality over quantity. And maybe some new good help 🙂
Wish you a wonderful new year, guys !