Jan 31, 2018

INTERIOR TRENDS | The news spotted at IMM Cologne 2018 that will be on trend in 2019

*January 2019 update:

the NEW report for 2020 interior trends from imm cologne 2019 is NOW online. Jump at this link to read more about the top trends for 2020


Hello guys, here I am with the second part of my trend report from the IMM Cologne 2018 furniture fair.

As I already told you I spotted some inspiring news, in addition to the trends we already featured in the past and that are big confirmations as interior trends for this year.

Since I’ve already written a lot about many of the interior trends that were at the Cologne fair and don’t want to bore you, I’m just doing a quick recap with some links where you can find more about each design trend. Then, I’m focusing more on what we haven’t already seen out there and that can be something interesting and new. Probably as an interior trend for 2019, even if I’m waiting also to visit soon the Stockholm Design Fair and -of course- the Milan Design Week to discover more on these topics.

 To discover the latest interior trends, you can get your copy of

N/T – the eBook about News and Trends from Milan Design Week 2018 to last in 2019.

You will find the complete report from Milan Design Week, including the top colors + other trends for 2019 divided into themes/patterns/shapes.

In addition to this, the eBook features interviews to top international designers and several other contents, totally independent and non-sponsored

Grab your copy here !




Eccomi con la seconda parte del mio trend report dalla fiera di arredo e design IMM Colonia 2018. Come già vi dicevo, ho trovato molte novità interessanti, assieme a molte tendenze di cui vi avevo già parlato e che si confermano come grandi trend per il 2018 (vedi, il rosa: ci stancherà mai?)

Per questi, mi limiterò a farvi un elenco e a rimandarvi ad alcuni articoli passati, in cui potrete se volete approfondire l’argomento. Mi concentrerò poi su alcune novità che ho visto a Colonia e che secondo me diventeranno interessanti tendenze nei prossimi mesi (forse, anno). Fatemi sapere se siete d’accordo!

Interior Trends for 2018, already seen and spotted again at the IMM Cologne 2018 furniture fair

|| If you want to read the trend posts in preview and to get exclusive downloadable contents subscribe to the newsletter here



Interior Trends 2019, as seen at the IMM Cologne 2018 furniture fair :

*January 2019 update:

the NEW report for 2020 interior trends from imm cologne 2019 is NOW online. Jump at this link to read more about the top trends for 2020



Interior Design Trend #1 | New Pastels

Together with strong and bold hues, I’ve seen many interesting new soft hues. Pastels will be on trend again, this is one of the many similarities between the interiors and fashion world I found at IMM Cologne this year. I think this is a natural effect of all those dark colors we have seen a lot last and this year. Several brands showcased settings and new products in light hues, much more than in the past.

New colors I’ve spotted (and that I actually love), besides soft blush pinks, include:

  • pastel and light greens, as celadon and sage, I’ve already featured in this post about new greens
  • lemon yellow
  • lilac
  • apricot orange
  • light neutrals such as mushroom and toast

My ideal world can be painted just in these colors matched with white so I’m quite partial on this, I know.

Vitra, IMM Cologne 2018
Vitra, IMM Cologne 2018
Muuto, Outline Chaise
Muuto, Loft Chair
Journey Lamp by Signe Hytte, AndTradition
PaiPai Chair by Lucidi Pevere, Ligne Roset


Apex shelves, New Tendency
Amisol Light by Daniel Rybakken, Luceplan
Trays by Jasper Morrison, Vitra
Petite Friture, IMM Cologne 2018


Most popular colors for bold accents included instead red and burgundy, ultra violet and purple, teal, klein blue and x-generation yellow (yes, exactly the emoticon color!). That’s one thing for sure, next months will be about color and color blocks, even if I’m expecting something new besides the color block decor.

Will write more about this soon.




Tally Trays by Apartment 8, Schonbuch
Loafer, AndTradition
Five chair, Meete
Artek, IMM Cologne 2018 – studio Besau Marguerre

Interior Design Trend #2 | Tan Leather

This is more an evergreen trend since tan and cognac leather never go out of style. But I noticed that several brands presented at this IMM Cologne 2018 new product releases in tan leather. I love the match of leather with raw finishes, such as concrete, and I’m expecting to see a lot on this finish also next year.

You can find some inspiration in cognac and tan leather in interiors also in this old post (2015)


Muuto, New Dots 2018
Falstaff armchair, Dante Goods and Bads
Charlotte, Dante Goods and Bads
Flow, Living Divani

Interior Design Trend #3 | Dark Wood

While oak is still very popular, I noticed several new products in dark wood, such as wenge. Whitened bleached wood is not on trend anymore, this year is more about dark and rustic wood essences. Also, wood is still a trend especially if combined with other materials such as glass and metal, for very precious and original design solutions.


String, IMM Cologne 2018
String, IMM Cologne 2018

[ more ]

Interior Design Trend #4 | Glass Blocks

Glass blocks were really considered so-out-of-fashion  for a long time that I’m betting will be on trend soon again. By now, they make me just think about my grandparents home and as an architect I’m still having some difficulties about thinking of them as an option for new projects. But as it happens with everything old that come back, you just need to get your eyes used to things again (just think about the terrazzo effect). Let’s see if I’m right.

|| Glass Blocks is one of the trends I featured in the Kitchen + Tiles 2018 Trend Guide that you will receive after replying to


Interior Design Trend #5 | Organic

In my opinion, this is another natural effect of the huge Memphis and geometric trends we are seing this year. So I’m expecting brands and designers to work more and more in this direction, exploring new designs with very organic and irregular shapes. Well I’m not so much also into this trend, but again, it’s just about getting used to things.

Let’s see what will be next in the Milan Design Week!


Riihitie Planter by Alvar Aalto, Artek


Dojo Chair and Table by AC/AL, Petite Friture

Dojo Chair and Table by AC/AL, Petite Friture

Revue sidetable, Dante Goods and Bads
Bonnie Sofa by Pierre Paulin, Ligne Roset
Nuage Ceramic Vases by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, Vitra


Circo Barro Furniture by Sebastian Herckner, Ames

*January 2019 update: the new report for 2020 interior trends from imm cologne 2019 is online. Read more here

Hope you have found this trend report interesting.

If so, please share it on socials and subscribe to ITALIANBARK mailing list to get more updates on interior design trends, news and latest posts!

imm cologne 2018 trends, interior trends 2019, italianbark interior design blog, glass blocks, organic design, millennial pink



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