Mar 8, 2017

DESIGN FINDS | Loving at present from Kickstarter

I had fun by browsing for new design on Kickstarter. I recently discovered two original design creations I’m sharing today on the blog, both based on simple round shapes. Aren’t they supercool?


is a levitating timepiece that travels through the air

STORY is a levitating timepiece that orbits around a wooden base, counting the hours, minutes or even years. Designed by FLYTE team, this is a super minimal clock you can use to count time in the way you prefer. It is ruled by a system of magnetics which guides the chrome sphere while it moves around its orbit, and this works on horizontal and vertical position.

STORY can be used as a clock, a timer, or in journey mode to measure time of a special moment in life. It can be even set by an app!

Find more on Kickstarter here

||| remember the first project by FLYTE team? It was this amazing levitating light 



is the glass plate with a traditional JapaneseKURUME KASURI inside

HIHAKU GLASS was made to be used on a daily basis and to enjoy the KASURI pattern eternally. “KURUME KASURI” is the traditional indigo kimono fabric, and it requires over 30 production stages. The amazing thing is the dying stage: each individual thread is dyed first, to get its unique patterns and shades of blue. Also, the dye is created from leaves of indigo, that are dried and then fermented for over 3 months using a special fermentation process.

The glass plates preserve this unique fabric and transform it into something that can be used at home. Isn’t it really unique?

There are 4 different patterns, three based on traditional Japanese patterns, one inspired by Aurora Borealis. love  ♥

Find more on Kickstarter here



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