Nov 8, 2022

Top Macro Trends shaping Interior and Design in 2023 | #3 Digital Escapism

Stay up-to date with the 2023 design trends and some of the top macro trends to impact interiors and design in the next year



Trend forecasting is the process of researching and analyzing consumers habit, to provide designers’ and brands a vision of the future. In fact, by knowing what will be relevant in the years to come, what trends will last and what are just passing, they can make wiser choices and create products that sell more – because they will meet customers’ tastes and needs.

Part of my work, other then identifying and researching about macro trends together with other researches and experts, is then translating these into tangible interiors and design directions – in the form of CMF ( color, material, finishes ) analysis.

We are sharing in this new series of articles some of the key design trends for 2023 we identified during our trend services and how they are translated in interiorsReady to walk into the future and be inspired? 


DESIGN TRENDS 2023 | Top macro trend #3

Digital Escapism


 The trend Digital Escapism is about enjoying digital experiences as a way of escaping from the real world, and about how the digital design can influence the real one. 

The trend is strictly related with the development of the metaverse – a new digital place to go, create and have experiences with others in real time, escaping from the limits of four physical walls to spend time in a virtual space that’s a version or extension of real life.



PHYGITAL / how the macro trend is translated in interiors and design


This new way of seeing things and experiencing the digital world is also influencing the world of interiors and design. For example, with new fluid spaces and materials, or also colors with a new digital appearance. A new aesthetic, called retro futurism that at the same time looks back to the 70s and also at the future. 



DIGITAL ESCAPISM finishes and materials

This trend explores how the digital world can inspire traditional design, with transparencies, colored glasses, new resins with transparent effect, chromed and glossy surfaces

Montserrat Piña Benetts




The trend is translated into a new way of using pastels called digital pastels. Pastel colors from being very soft and light change with more saturation, and also with a new way of matching them together with bold and bright colors.



DIGITAL ESCAPISM /shapes and styles

The trend is translated into new shapes and weird designs such as twisted, waved, irregular shapes. Also curved and tubular designs, exploring a new freedom in the way we design and decorate interiors.




What do you think of this trend, do you like it?

Be inspired also by the previous trends we covered:

  • Trend #1 / Life is Now here
  • Trend #2 / Care for the Others here





Contact Elisabetta at the email: to request a custom report for your company or organization

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