Feb 8, 2023

TRENDBARK | issue 02/23

I’m very happy to share with you a bit of the second issue of TRENDBARK, published yesterday on the trend lab and available upon subscription at this link.

The main focus of this issue is on the Zoomers generation – starting from this, we are then exploring the upcoming trends related to design, materials, colors. We zoom then on a specific color trend and on a style/decade which is particularly relevant now. Last, we dive in the flooring trends.

In fact, every month through TRENDBARK we are unveiling about

  • design trends
  • color trends
  • style trends
  • home trends

This publication is one of a kind, in many ways.

It’s totally unsponsored and all about trends in our industry. I created it because I was looking for something like this but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Except from other options covering also other industries and honestly much more expensive, other than not so easy to understand and to put into practice.

You will find the new issue in your dashboard if you are a member of the Trend Program – and also a wrap up webinar about the topics covered in January too.

If you are interested in joining us, you can find all the info at this link.



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