Jul 10, 2017

My week in Puglia on Instagram

I’m back from a week in Puglia, where we spent some very relaxing time in a super beautiful place in Salento.

We also took some time to visit some cities nearby, as we went to Ostuni (called “The White city” for its amazing white historical center) and to Lecce, one of the most beautiful cities of the South of Italy. We slept in an original trullo, owned by some relatives of us who live there all year long, surronded by countryside and olive-trees. I already told you about living in a trullo here, as we travel in this beautiful place almost once a year during summertime.

Here our week from my instagram plus some more pics!

||| Other beautiful interiors from Puglia:

||| Learn more about Italian trulli here https://www.italianbark.com/modern-interiors-in-ancient-italian-trulli/

week in puglia | trulli

week in puglia, salento travels, trulli, italianbark interior design blog

week in puglia, salento travels, trulli, italianbark interior design blog

week in puglia, salento travels, trulli, italianbark interior design blog

week in puglia, salento travels, trulli, italianbark interior design blog

week in puglia | ostuni

week in puglia | lecce

week in puglia | sunset

All images © Elisabetta Rizzato | ITALIANBARK

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