Mar 15, 2016

Fill your home with green ❀

Five days left to spring. The Pink Dog is getting ready to welcome it into his pages with a gallery of green inspirations: an invasion of plants in houses, workspaces, bedrooms.

And really it’s easy to find them on the net and on Instagram: decorate home with plants it’s a trend that keeps going on and that people love, just because it’s really difficult to get tired and bored from plants. An home interior filled real plants is more beautiful but also more livable, thanks to the oxygen that plants produce naturally.

So, let’s go with homeplants hanging from the ceiling and on the shelves, but also arranged to form small and large groups on the floor.

What’s the solution that better fit your tastes? See you in next days with my latest green arrivals at home, back with the Urban Jungle Bloggers community!

[After all the flowers from last week here, I would say that we are ready for spring!]


Mancano cinque giorni alla primavera. Il cagnetto si prepara ad accoglierla tra le sue pagine con una carrellata di ispirazioni in tema green: una vera invasione di piante all’interno di case, angoli ufficio, camere.

E non ne mancano in rete: quella del decorare la casa con le piante è diventato un vero e proprio trend che non accenna ad arrestarsi. Del resto una casa piena di piante (vere!) é più bella ma anche più vivibile, grazie all’ossigeno che le piante producono naturalmente. 

Piante appese al soffitto e appoggiate alle mensole, ma anche disposte a formare piccoli e grandi gruppi a terra (per chi ha più posto in casa, io ad esempio non saprei dove appoggiarle, diciamolo). Ce n’è per tutti i gusti: in settimana vi mostro anche i miei ultimi arrivi, assieme alla rubrica Urban Jungle Bloggers!

[Dopo i fiori della settimana scorsa qui, direi che siamo pronti per la primavera!]


decorate home with plants ❀ on windowsill


Homes to Love (+ interesting guide to indoor plants)


decorate home with plants ❀ on shelves

decorate home with plants - 2

@dabito via Un Due Tre Ilaria


decorate home with plants ❀ on drawers

decorate home with green-1

Justina Blackeney via PopSugar


decorate home with plants ❀ on headboard




decorate home with plants ❀ on a bench

spring home decor, italianbark interior design blog, green wallpaint, green interior

Image from last #designtime post here


decorate home with plants ❀ on the floor


Mi Casa


decorate home with plants ❀ on stools


Sugar and Cloth


decorate home with plants ❀ hanged [upside down]


A place I’d like to call home


decorate home with plants ❀ just everywhere


(this is not an home interior, but a shop in Amsterdam, Wildernis, shared by Binti Home. And it’s just too beautiful to not be included)




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