Oct 6, 2015

Finds and places from London Design Festival, part 2

londondesignfestival - ITALIANBARK - knit-by-curve


I still have many things to show you about my trip in London last week. I warned you I came back full of images and new names to share!

I already told about that London full of colours I was happy to discover (snoop here for the post and here for the Steller story), and here I’ve featured my fav finds and brands from Tent London. Today, let’s wander around other areas of the city thorough some pics I took with my iphone.

I think I would need a separate chapter just for London coffee bars and pubs. here, just an image of a small corner I’ve loved, Tom’s Deli bar in Somerset House. Somerset was a new location for the Design Festival of this year with its beautiful settings in ten rooms of the West Wing by ten different international designers…this bar is open all year long instead ♥


Ho ancora un po’ di cose da farvi vedere dalle mie giornate londinesi della settimana scorsa. Vi avevo avvisati che sono tornata strapiena di foto e di tutto, no?

Della Londra coloratissima che ho visto vi ho già parlato nel blog qui e in Steller qui, del design e di varie novità da Tent London invece vi ho mostrato un bel po’ in questo post qui. Mi manca ancora tutta una serie di altre immagini che invece ho scattato (sempre col mio iphone, grande ammirazione per chi si porta dietro la reflex ma davvero io non ce la posso fare) in altre zone di Londra che si animano nella settimana del Design Festival.

Per i locali e i baretti che ci sono in questa città di vorrebbe un capitolo a parte, intanto qui vi lascio un’immagine del bar Tom’s Deli della Somerset House: una nuova location di quest’anno, con le sue dieci sale della West Wing dedicate ciascuna ad un designer internazionale. Questa bellissima caffetteria la trovate tutto l’anno invece 


londondesignfestival -TOM'S DELI-somerset house- industrial style bar-


designjunction | london design festival 2015

I was so curious to visit designjunction2015!

Indeed, the British design destination this year changed its location and relocated at the formerly home to Central Saint Martin’s College, now moved to the new King’s Cross centre but before located in this decadent building dated 1908. And so it was a few years ago when I attended my interior design course, and I must say that coming back in the same classrooms now filled with design has been such a pleasant surprise.

I remember I used to get lost then and so I did now, through its small rooms, courtyards and steep stairs…but this place as such a dedadent charm I just love it 


Ero davvero curiosa di visitare designjunction2015.

Sì perchè per quest’anno era stata scelta una nuova location, molto insolita per ospitare un evento di design, ovvero la sede storica del Central Saint Martin’s College, ora ricollocato in una nuova sede a King’s Cross ma prima con base tra queste mura datate 1908.

E così era pure qualche anno fa (giuro non sono così vecchia eh, vi parlo di massimo massimo 6 anni fa) quando ho frequentato il mio corso di interior design dopo la laurea proprio qui tra queste mura…e tornarci dopo un po’ di anni, ritrovandole piene di design, è stata proprio una bella sorpresa. Mi ricordo che mi è capitato più di una volta di perdermici qua dentro, tra le piccole stanze, le corti interne, le scale ripide, e pure stavolta non ho trovato semplicissimo orientarsi …ma questo posto ha un fascino decadente così forte che lo amo comunque, pure perdendosi dentro

Ecco qualche immagine e qualche marchio di cui mi son presa nota!




The small press room  was furnished with many colourful pouff and vases in knitted wool plastic I’ve loved.

They are part of the new KNIT collection produced by Curver: a new interpretation of knitting thanks to a new method of deep-texture injection which gives a 3d knitted-look to plastic.  Here, the set up has been curated by FranklinTill studio




Beautiful relax corners:

1.  the Wrong for Hay shop and coffee corner, located in the atrium space of the college

2. Paleta Girls corner inspired by Mexican paleterias and furnished with the new Play collection designed by Stephen Johnson for Decode London:  the colourful top you see is maden of a synthetic dough invented by Stephen to mimic the colourful putties we had as kids – with great strength and adhesive qualities. The material enables objects to be squashed together freely without traditional joints.


london-in-colours-londondesignfestival2015 (11)



Colourful design news: the collaboration between contemporary fabric brand Kirby Design and NYC artist Jon Burgerman in a  new textile collection launched here with Ligne Roset

(remember? Talked about them here)





design junction 2015

Other beautiful corners:

  1. The lighting pop-up store ste by Dyke&Dean with thei lights made in UK
  2. The “Gem Room” by Laufen, the Swiss bathroom manufacturer:  StudioAppetit created a beautiful setting in the College old jewellery workshop to show SaphirKeramik, the material which contains derivatives of sapphire
  3. Molo, a Vancouver studio dedicated to the research of materials and the exploration of space making, and their cardboard corner
  4.  Finally the entry hall, enlightened by Blackbody OLED installation


100%design | london design festival 2015

100%design is the largest UK trade fair of design, and I just couldn’t miss it. Located in stunning London Olympia, the theme for this year was “Design in Colour” (as shown in its beautiful website) with a Central Bar created by Studio Design full of colours and many brands celebrating colours.

Here was more about well-known design brands than about new designers, and I was happy to visit a few ones I loved:


100percentdesign - london design festival 2015


100%design è la più grande fiera del design in Inghilterra, e non potevo perdermela. Tra l’altro anche qui una location splendida-  London Olympia- resa ancora più bella dal tema di quest’anno, “Design in Colour” che ha ispirato il coloratissimo Central Bar progettato da Studio Design e molti degli spazi espositivi.

Qui si tratta più di brand già noti che di nomi emergenti del design, e sono stata felice di toccare con mano un po’ di cose che stanno da sempre nelle mie wishlist:






  1. The chair of my dreamy summer home, the Acapulco chair produced by SillasAcapulco
  2. The trompe l’oeil wallpaper collection by NLXL, an Amsterdam based brand famous for its AMAZING wallpaper designs
  3. BuzziSpace in collaboration with Kvadrat and the restyled BuzziNordic collection
  4. The colourful setting up of  Paint by Conran, showcasing design icons and trend colour hues matched together in a beautiful temporary space

There also was a small area dedicated to emerging designers. Loved this simple book lighting idea by alialiali.com!

100percentdesign - london design festival 2015


where to stay | london design festival 2015

See you on next Thursdays Original Interiors with a new design hotel in central London !



All images ©Elisabetta Rizzato| ITALIANBARK

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